Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Outrage of Sharia Marriages

The Sunday Times in London carried out an undercover investigation recently on the disgraceful forced marriages of children to adult Muslim men in the U.K. I shouldn't have been shocked but I was....and I'm furious. Unfortunately, I expect the situation is much the same in the U.S.

The report stated that girls as young as twelve were being married off to grown men. This is done with the complicity of parents and Muslim clerics - and we as a society it seems aren't prepared to say enough is enough for the fear of offending those who follow the religion of permanent offence.

If there are 'moderate Muslims' where are they? Why aren't they trying to stop this openly supported trade in paedophilia? Do they too shy away from causing offence to the all-powerful clergy? If that's right, well shame on them.

These people should be told that if they wish to practice barbaric customs from their 'holy book' then they are not only breaking the law of this country but if they continue they will be prosecuted to the full extent of it. Successive governments, however, have pandered to the whims of these people. Even some U.K judges have welcomed the fact that some pockets of society  are ruled not by the law of the land where they are situated but by the violent and Stone Age edicts of Sharia.

This has to stop.

I have lived in foreign countries over the years and I accepted the law of the land. I accepted other peoples' ways even if I sometimes disagreed with them. I have never been racist and never will be. I despise it. But we cannot ignore the creeping danger of allowing an alien culture to get a foothold in our home - a place it most certainly does not belong and isn't wanted. If Muslims, or anyone else for that matter, wish to practice their faith then by all means do so (despite the fact that those of other faiths aren't tolerated at all in many Muslim countries). But obey our laws or face the consequences.

This is the message that our mainstream politicians should be sending, but will never do so for fear of 'offending' Islam.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Article: Reinsurance - The Invisible Insurers

With thanks to insurance consultant and expert witness John T. Bogart for his article: Reinsurance - The Invisible Insurers. You can view the full article here.

Mr Bogart's full profile with X-Pro is here.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Drug Decriminalization: A Federal Judge Speaks

Respected federal judge Richard A. Posner, who's considered a legal conservative as called for the elimination of criminal laws against drugs in a lecture at Illinois' Elmhurst college. The Judge was, of course free to speak out did so by cogently setting out the argument for decriminalization, but I seriously doubt that any politician seeking election by the public would follow suit.It's a bit like religion - at election time everyone's a Christian.

Here's an extract:

"I don't think we should have a fraction of the drug laws that we have. I think it's really absurd to be criminalizing possession or use or distribution of marijuana," he said. "I can't see any difference between that and cigarettes." The audience gave him a round of applause. 

..."But also I'm skeptical about the other drug laws," Judge Posner added. "The notion of using the criminal law as the primary means of dealing with a problem of addiction, of misuse, of ingesting dangerous drugs -- I don't think that's sensible at all."

He said drug laws are "responsible for a high percentage of our prisoners. And these punishments are often very, very severe. It's all very expensive." Judge Posner has pointed out that legalizing marijuana and other drugs would save federal, state and local governments $41.3 billion per year.

He said drug laws are, "...a waste of a lot of high quality legal minds, and it's also a waste of people's lives who could be as least moderately productive with having to spend year after year in prison. That is a serious problem."

The full video is here

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Expert Profile...

Expert Witness Profile: Dr Allan Rubenstein, MD. Child & Adult Neurology.

 Clinical Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics, NYU Langone Medical Center. Actively practicing neurologist with strong academic credentials, numerous publications, several books, available for record review, IME’s for all personal injury litigation, including medical malpractice. Approximately 50 depositions, 25 court testimony, 50/50 plaintiff/defense ratio. Midtown Manhattan location, available to travel.

Areas of specialty include genetic and developmental problems of the CNS (HIE, birth trauma ), post-traumatic mild cognitive deficit, cervical and lumbosacral trauma, cerebrovacular disorders, neuromuscular disorders, Lyme disease, neurologic complications of anesthesia, neuro-oncology Contact: or call 212-974-3009 for references, further information, CV and rates.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Article: The Work of Physician Assistants

With thanks to PA, expert witness and X-Pro member Dr Jeffrey Nicholson. His article on the invaluable medical-legal work conducted by PAs was republished by us and can be viewed here.

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